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Managing employees remotely: How to do it properly

The COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps best characterized by instability and frequent changes, and at the outset some of the businesses were required to move their business to a strictly remote model. Now, after more than half a year into the pandemic, the trend is to open businesses in the different industries, while limiting the number of employees and customers in the physical workplaces.

Expert Recommendations

What is better for your business.. weekly or monthly schedule?

The answer to this question will depend on several factors, including the size of the organization, the nature of the work, and the preferences of managers and employees. Weekly scheduling may be more appropriate for organizations that require frequent adjustments to their schedules, such as those with a high volume of part-time or temporary employees.

Get to know some of the advantages and convenience of using a work arrangement system

scouter is a software application that enables organizations to manage and streamline their employee scheduling process. Here are some of the benefits and conveniences of using a work scheduling system: Time-saving: A work scheduling system saves time and effort by automating the scheduling process. Managers no longer have to manually create schedules or deal with

Shift scheduling for restaurants and wait staff

Managing a restaurant is a complex job and scheduling shifts is one of the tasks that requires a lot of time, attention and resources on the manager’s part. Ours is a smart, effective and optimal shift scheduling system.


Shift scheduling for factory workers

Factory managers, in every industry, need to spend a great deal of time and energy on scheduling shifts, in addition to the complex administrative tasks they are responsible for. Here are all the important tips for smarter and more effective management of scheduling employees’ shifts at the factory.

Shift scheduling and management for guarding companies

Managers of guarding and security companies have to devote a great deal of time and energy every week to creating a work schedule, in addition to their other tasks and responsibilities.   In the following article we have gathered all the important tips to consider when managing shifts in a simpler, smarter, and more effective manner, and achieve an optimal work schedule with minimal effort. 

6 good reasons to use an employee management system

The future is already here, and it’s clear to everyone that computerized employee management using an online system is the correct and effective way to schedule shifts and supervise how it’s actually implemented. Here are 6 good reasons that prompt managers to move forward and introduce an employee management system in the business.   Managers are choosing progress and upgrading to online computerized employee management

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